Saturday, 26 July 2014

White on Black

hello fellazzzzzz....
how about your holiday?? whether are you going to your village for celebration of Idul fitri?? be careful for all of you go back to your village..
for this year i not go to village, me n family prefer to celebrate idul fitri in jakarta.. and i'm already has plans to go hangout with my blogger's friends to some place.. arrrgghh can't waittt!! :)

btw as you know, few month ago i'm joined infare part 3 and here's the outfit that i wore on the day2..
on infare i got a lot off cute stuff, all stuff that i wore i got in infare.. start from hat, chocker, top, pant, and shoes..
so this outfit sponsored by Infare part3 hohohoho :D

 see you on next post eid outfit ^^

hat : unbranded // top : Egency // ombre bone chocker : LINF // zippah pants : Ed-jeh // shoes : Cildshoes // origami ring : Helloveedee // bunny ring : Greedysassy

what do you think about my outfit on this post??  
Do not forget to leave your comment ^^

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Seeking of Red

nothing long story of this outfit, i just want to tell about this old motorcycle ..
when my brother got this antique motorcycle, since then i'd to take picture with it.. and finally i was got some pictures with suitable outfit (i think so) hahaha.. 
okay, see you in the next post ^^ have a good monday guys..

top : Hardware // denin jacket : Berrybenka // pants : Color's // shoes : unbranded // necklace & ring : Heloveedee

what do you think about my outfit on this post??  
Do not forget to leave your comment ^^

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Back to School! ^o^

 helloooo fellasss..
 today i was post outfit a bit kawaii style hehehe.. i'm wearing shirt and skirt my own design..
and i feel so perfect to mix and match with neon studded shoes from zalora..and i'm wearing also origami ring by heloveedee, soooo cute my favorite ring ^^
btw did you seen my unicorn neon earring?? i was got it on infare 1 month ago, so cute right?

 silver-white shirt : Color's // polka skirt : Color's // neon studd shoes : Zalora // origami ring : Heloveedee

what do you think about my outfit on this post??  
Do not forget to leave your comment ^^

Thursday, 3 July 2014


 helloo my dear fellassss.. so long not to write something to share :D
sebelum nya, Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa untuk teman2 semua..
hari ini udah puasa ke 6 kita nih, ngga kerasa yah hihihi.. di bulan puasa ini aku mau share style hijab.. ya aku tidak begitu baik dalam memakai hijab, tapi ini hanya sebagian style yg aku tiru dari para hijabers hehehe..
Insyaallah secepat nya aku akan menggunakan hijab yg baik dan benar :D do'a kan yaa teman2..

 bulan ramadhan tahun ini rasanya berbeda dari tahun2 lalu, ada sesuatu yg terasa kurang karna tidak semua anggota keluarga ku bisa berkumpul bersama :(
tapi aku selalu merasa bahagia ketika masuk bulan suci ini,,karna di bulan ini segala do'a dan permohonan kita di kabulkan oleh Allah swt, dan dosa2 kita akan di ampuni insyaallah..
yuuukkk,,,,kita semangat yaa puasa nya :) semoga segala ibadah kita di bulan ramadhan ini di terima oleh Allah swt (amiiiinnnn) :D

maroon sweater : Amoreknits (ig) // white boots : Chiel Shoes (ig) // black zippah pants : Ed-jeh (ig) // velvet legging : // origami ring : Heloveedee (ig)

what do you think about my outfit on this post??  
Do not forget to leave your comment ^^