Saturday, 31 October 2015

Girls in Black

Halloooo :) Apa kabar kalian semua?
Semoga semua dalam keadaan baik yaa.

Ngomongin soal outfit kali ini, ini adalah beberapa foto yg ku ambil beberapa bulan yg lalu dengan Diras, dan waktu rambut ku masih agak panjang nih. Aku nge-post foto ini tepat di hari Halloween tgl 31 nih, mungkin kalian ada yg tau tentang outfit halloween ku tahun lalu, yuppss dress hitam ini. Tapi tahun ini aku ngga ikutan halloween lagi, dan cuma kebetulan masih punya foto all black ini jadi yaa bisa lah yaaa di jadiin outfit ala halloween (lagi) :D

Oiyaaa akhir2 ini aku lagi suka memakai outfit berwarna gelap nih, kaya gitam, maroon, navy atau abu. Dan mood itu juga ngaruh ke makeup aku terutama untuk lipstick, kemaren beberapa kali aku coba pakai lipstick hitam dan aku juga udah bahas tentang Black Lips di yg juga bisa di jadikan salah satu point untuk makeup ala halloween. Tapi juga bisa loh jadi lipstick daily kita, penasaran? Baca artikel nya di sini yaaa

See youuu on the next post yaaa guys :) enjoy with my new outfit post ;) 


what do you think about my outfit ont this post??  
Do not forget to leave your comment ^^

Follow me on instagram : @SONYATHANIYA

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Let's have a vacation!

Hellooooo my dearest reader :)
Halloooo teman-teman semuaaa, apa kabar kalian? semoga semua dalam keadaan sehat yaa :)
Ini adalah foto2 outfit ku beberapa bulan lalu, waktu rambut ku masih (agak) panjang hehe dan warna nya masih pink terang.
Bytheway, waktu itu aku foto ootd bareng Diras dengan dresscode summer. Summer biasa identik dengan short pant, skirt, crop top, tapi karena aku jarang cuma outfit summer jadi aku kepikiran pake ripped jeans dan white tanktop aja ;)
Hope you guys enjoy with my new outfit post, get a lil inspiration if you want to go to a vacation  ;)

all photos taken by @Itsdiras

See youuu on the next post yaaa guys :) enjoy with my new outfit post ;) 


what do you think about my outfit ont this post??  
Do not forget to leave your comment ^^

Follow me on instagram : @SONYATHANIYA

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Colorful Thursday

Helloooo guyss :) how's your day? hope everything in allright yes :)
These photos was taken a few weeks ago before i cut my hair. 
So yeah enjoy with my new outfit-post guyss :) and have a great thursday :*

Pompom sweater : @Falsettofive (ig) // short pant : Unbranded // sandals : Christian Siriano // bag : Guess 

See youuu on the next post yaaa guys :) enjoy with my new oufit post ;) 


what do you think about my outfit ont this post??  
Do not forget to leave your comment ^^

Follow me on instagram : @SONYATHANIYA

Sunday, 18 October 2015

the QUEEN of rose

Helloooo guyss :) how's your day? hope everything is allright yaa :)
Anyway about this post, this is my last post with blonde hair, after took these picts i changed my hair into pink-purple. I miss this color so much, but i think my hair is better now in pink and especially in short-cut. not really damaged like when in blonde.

And also you guys surely already saw before my look with this red skirt, i loveeee this skirt so much, because i love the red color and the leather material it makes the skirt looks more elegant.
This is like my favorite skirt that i've ever had.

So yeah enjoy my new outfit post :) and have a great day guyss :*

notes : untuk teman2 blogger-indonesia, beberapa hari lalu aku menulis postingan di tentang flare midi skirt, kalian bisa cek postingan pertama ku di sini
Must Have Item : Flare Midi Skirt
Ada beberapa tips dan juga contoh look dari beberapa fashion blogger, semoga bisa sedikit memberi inspirasi yaa untuk kamu yg masih bingung dalam memilih midi skirt yg cocok buat style kalian masing-masing.

See youuu on the next post yaaa guys :) enjoy with my new oufit post ;) 


what do you think about my outfit ont this post??  
Do not forget to leave your comment ^^

Follow me on instagram : @SONYATHANIYA